Joao G. R. Poco | AIChE

Joao G. R. Poco

Citation name

Poco, J. G. R.


Centro Universitario da FEI



Graduated in Science with degree in Chemistry from the Oswaldo Cruz Faculty (1980), degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Osvaldo Cruz Faculty(1982), MSc in Chemical Engineering from Polytechnic of Sao Paulo University (1993) and Doctor in Chemical Engineering from Polytechnic of Sao Paulo University (2001). Worked as a researcher at the Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo from 1981 to 2014 In 2014 assumed the position of Adjunct Professor University Center of FEI in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He has experience in chemistry with emphasis on chemical kinetics and catalysis, acting on the following topics: catalysis, catalytic processes, catalysts, synthesis of zeolites and other inorganic materials, polymerization, organic synthesis, PEM fuel cells and direct reaction of silicon.

Associated proceedings 

2014 AIChE Annual Meeting
2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting