Jerry Chastain
Mr. Chastain is an Engineering Associate at the Kingsport, TN site of Eastman Chemical Company. Mr. Chastain has worked in various areas of process safety since starting work with Eastman Chemical in 1992. Mr. Chastain’s areas of expertise are in Process Hazards Analysis, risk management, layer of protection analysis, reactive chemical safety, dust hazards and emergency relief. Mr. Chastain serves as the chair of the CCPS subcommittees for Guidelines for Independent Protection Layers and Initiating Events for LOPA and Guidelines for Enabling Conditions and Conditional Modifiers for LOPA, and served on the CCPS subcommittee for Guidelines for Probability of Ignition of Flammable Releases and Guidelines for Developing Quantitative Risk Criteria. Mr. Chastain holds a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Clemson University.