2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Jacek B. Jasinski Citation name Jasinski, J. B. Affiliation University of Louisville State KY Country USA Authored(394c) Nanocrystalline Mesoporous Gallium Oxide PhasesChinmay A. DeshmaneJacek B. Jasinski2009 Annual Meeting (157e) A-Fe2O3 Nanowire Array Based Electrodes for Self-Driven Photoelectrochemical CellsBoris D. ChernomordikUros CvelbarJacek B. JasinskiMiran Mozetic2009 Annual Meeting (527b) Controlling the Nucleation and Growth of III-V Semiconductor NanowiresChandrashekhar PendyalaJeong H. KimJacek B. JasinskiZhiqiang Chen2009 Annual Meeting (120g) Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Semi-Crystalline Mixed Gallium-Niobium Oxide PhasesChinmay A. DeshmaneMoises A. CarreonJacek B. Jasinski2010 Annual Meeting (739g) PHASE Transformation of IRON OXIDE Nanowires to IRON SulfideDustin R. CumminsJacek B. JasinskiMahendra K. Sunkara2010 Annual Meeting (739b) Bulk Production of Titania Nanowires in a Plasma ReactorVivekanand KumarJeong H. KimJacek B. JasinskiMahendra K. Sunkara2010 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2009 Annual Meeting 2010 Annual Meeting