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Derek Richard Citation name Richard, D. Affiliation University of Louisiana at Lafayette State LA Country USA Authored(615e) Experimental Results of Gasification of Raw PineMd Waliul IslamBen RussoKeith CrumpPrashanth R. BuchireddyJohn L. GuilloryMark E. ZappiJude AsonganyiRobert BentleyDerek Richard2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6)(185f) Machine Learning-Based Ethylene Concentration Estimation, Real-Time Optimization and Feedback Control of an Experimental Electrochemical ReactorJunwei LuoBerkay CitmaciJoonbaek JangDerek RichardYi Ming RenCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis ChristofidesVito Canuso2022 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1118-9)(45b) Accelerating the Scaleup Process for Complex Electrochemical Reactors Using a Smart Manufacturing Inspired Multiscale Modeling ApproachDerek RichardBerkay CitmaciJoonbaek JangVito CanusoCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis Christofides2022 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1118-9)(430d) Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Hydrodynamics in a Rotating Cylinder Electrode Reactor: Understanding Mass Transport Effects in ElectrocatalysisDerek RichardMatthew TomSungil YunCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis Christofides2022 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1118-9)(429f) Model Predictive Control of an Experimental Electrochemical ReactorJunwei LuoBerkay CitmaciJoonbaek JangDerek RichardFahim AbdullahCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis Christofides2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2)(314b) Digitalization of an Experimental Proton Conducting Membrane Reactor with Smart Manufacturing PrinciplesBerkay CitmaciDerek RichardJunwei LuoCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis ChristofidesJoonbaek Jang2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2)(429c) Machine Learning-Based Gas Product Estimation and Feedback Control of an Experimental Proton Membrane ReactorBerkay CitmaciDerek RichardJunwei LuoJoonbaek JangCarlos Morales-GuioPanagiotis Christofides2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2)(222d) System Design and Testing of Bzcy Proton Conducting Ceramic Membranes for Electrochemical Steam Methane Reforming at High Temperature and PressureDerek RichardJoonbaek JangCarlos Morales-GuioBerkay CitmaciJunwei LuoPanagiotis Christofides2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2)(692g) Evaluating Hydrodynamic and Homogeneous Buffer Reaction Effects on the Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Using Experimentally Validated CFD SimulationsDerek RichardMatthew TomSungil YunJoonbaek JangPanagiotis ChristofidesCarlos Morales-Guio2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2) Associated proceedings 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings 2022 Annual Meeting 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting