2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Daniel A. Hammer Citation name Hammer, D. A. Affiliation University of Pennsylvania State PA Country USA Authored(645a) Integrated Models of Leukocyte Signaling and AdhesionDaniel A. HammerKelly E. CaputoEllen KrasikMichael Beste2006 Annual Meeting (428e) Rolling Adhesion Mediated by aL I Domain MutantsLauren R. PepperDaniel A. HammerEric T. Boder2006 Annual Meeting (492c) Cell-Cell Mechanical Communication through a Deformable SubstrateCynthia Reinhart-KingMicah DemboDaniel A. Hammer2006 Annual Meeting (627h) Adhesive Dynamics Simulations of the Shear Threshold Effect for LeukocytesKelly E. CaputoDaniel A. Hammer2006 Annual Meeting (475g) Study of Targeted Particulate Adhesion to Cellulose Surfaces Mediated by Bifunctional Fusion ProteinsGautam PanguEric JohnstonJordan PetkovNeil ParryMatthew LeachDaniel A. Hammer2006 Annual Meeting (522b) Targeted Adhesion Of Multiplexed Near-Infrared (Nir) Emissive Polymersomes By DNA HybridizationAnthony J. KimNatalie A. ChristianDaniel A. HammerMichael J. Therien2007 Annual Meeting (6an) Engineered Polymer Vesicles (Polymersomes) for Targeted Adhesion, Bioimaging, and Controlled DeliveryAnthony J. KimDaniel A. Hammer2007 Annual Meeting (507g) Design and In Vitro Characterization of Polymer Vesicles with Adhesive Properties That Mimic LeukocytesGregory P. RobbinsDaniel A. Hammer2008 Annual Meeting (507b) Mechanical Shedding of L-Selectin from the Leukocyte Surface: Theory and ExperimentDooyoung LeeKelly E. CaputoDaniel A. HammerMichael R. King2008 Annual Meeting (375d) Engineering Adhesive Ligands Based on Integrin I DomainLauren R. PepperEric T. BoderDaniel A. Hammer2008 Annual Meeting (135d) Fully Bioresorbable Polymeric Vesicles for Therapeutic ApplicationsDalia H. LevineP. Peter GhoroghchianJaclyn FreudenbergGeng ZhangMichael J. TherienRamachandran MuraliDaniel A. HammerKevin P. DavisFrank BatesGuizhi Li2008 Annual Meeting (41d) A Computational Study of 'inside-out' Signal Dynamics and Integrin Activation during Leukocyte TraffickingMichael BesteElena LomakinaRichard E. WaughDaniel A. Hammer2008 Annual Meeting (72b) Polymersomes for Delivery, Release and Cell TrackingDaniel A. Hammer2008 Annual Meeting (451a) The Traction Stresses of Neutrophils during Adhesion and ChemokinesisLee SmithDaniel A. HammerHelim Aranda-EspinozaMicah Dembo2005 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2006 Annual Meeting 2007 Annual Meeting 2008 Annual Meeting 2005 Annual Meeting