2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Brady Worrell Citation name Worrell, B. Affiliation University of Colorado State CO Country USA Authored(36e) Hybrid Chain-Growth/Step-Growth Mechanism Observed in Heterofunctional Thiol-Ene PolymerizationsDillon LoveKang-Min KimJ. Taylor GoodrichBenjamin D. FairbanksWeixian XiMark StoykovichCharles B. MusgraveChristopher BowmanBrady Worrell2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)(381a) The Thiol-Thioester Exchange in Network and Linear PolymersChristopher BowmanBrady WorrellMatthew McBrideGayla BergChen Wang2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)(303b) Photoplasiticity in Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Networks: A Route to Reconfigurable Shape-Changing MaterialsMatthew McBrideMatthew HendrikxDick J. BroerDanqing LiuChristopher BowmanBrady Worrell2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)(741e) Synthesis of Designer Lipids Using "Click" ChemistriesDanielle KonetskiDawei ZhangAustin BaranekBrady WorrellChristopher BowmanTao Gong2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)(7v) Production of Artificial Cell Membranes Bearing New Characteristics or Behaviors Using “Click” ChemistriesDanielle KonetskiChristopher BowmanDawei ZhangAustin BaranekTao GongBrady Worrell2017 Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1102-8)Production of Designer Lipids Using “Click” ChemistriesDanielle KonetskiChristopher BowmanChen WangBrady WorrellTao GongXinpeng ZhangAustin BaranekWeixian XiShunsuke ChataniTranslational Medicine and Bioengineering Conference Associated proceedings 2017 Annual Meeting Translational Medicine and Bioengineering Conference