2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Ben Ohran Citation name Ohran, B. Affiliation University of California, Los Angeles State CA Country USA Authored(125e) Uniting Data - and Model-Based Fault-Detection Filters for Fault-Tolerant Control of Process SystemsPanagiotis D. ChristofidesJames F. DavisPrashant MhaskarCharles McFallAdiwinata GaniBen Ohran2006 Annual Meeting (348b) Enhancing Data-Based Fault Isolation Through Feedback ControlBen OhranPanagiotis D. ChristofidesDavid Muñoz de la PeñaJames F. Davis2007 Annual Meeting (143f) Networked Predictive Control Of Process SystemsDavid Muñoz de la PeñaJinfeng LiuCharles McFallBen OhranPanagiotis D. ChristofidesJames F. Davis2007 Annual Meeting (687a) A Two-Tier Architecture for Networked Process ControlPanagiotis D. ChristofidesJinfeng LiuDavid Muñoz de la PeñaBen OhranJames F. Davis2008 Annual Meeting (577c) Data-Based Fault Detection and Isolation Using Feedback Control: Output Feedback, Optimality and Asynchronous MeasurementsPanagiotis D. ChristofidesBen OhranDavid Muñoz de la PeñaJames F. Davis2008 Annual Meeting (439f) Fault-Detection and Isolation and Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Process Systems Using Asynchronous MeasurementsPanagiotis D. ChristofidesCharles McFallJames F. DavisBen Ohran2008 Annual Meeting (264e) Networked Monitoring and Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Process SystemsJinfeng LiuBen OhranDavid Muñoz de la PeñaPanagiotis D. ChristofidesJames F. Davis2009 Annual Meeting Associated proceedings 2006 Annual Meeting 2007 Annual Meeting 2008 Annual Meeting 2009 Annual Meeting