Alexander Thebelt | AIChE

Alexander Thebelt

Citation name

Thebelt, A.


Imperial College London


United Kingdom

Dr Ruth Misener is a Professor in the Computational Optimisation Group. Foundations of her research are in numerical optimisation algorithms and computational software frameworks. Applications include bioprocess optimisation under uncertainty and petrochemical process network design and operations. Ruth holds an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship (2017-2022). Ruth has co-authored publicly-available software tools for global optimisation: APOGEE (pooling); GloMIQO (MIQCQP); ANTIGONE (MINLP). Ruth received the Sir George Macfarlane Medal as the overall winner of the 2017 RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year competition.

Associated proceedings 

2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
2021 Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting