Integrating anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal liquefaction, and biomethanation within a power-to-gas framework for dairy waste management and grid decarbonization: a techno-economic assessment - Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC Publishing) | AIChE

Integrating anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal liquefaction, and biomethanation within a power-to-gas framework for dairy waste management and grid decarbonization: a techno-economic assessment - Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC Publishing)

TitleIntegrating anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal liquefaction, and biomethanation within a power-to-gas framework for dairy waste management and grid decarbonization: a techno-economic assessment - Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC Publishing)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Keywords9.7, BP5Q7