Branch and Bound Algorithm for Designing Supply Chains Under Uncertainties By the P-Graph Framework | AIChE

Branch and Bound Algorithm for Designing Supply Chains Under Uncertainties By the P-Graph Framework


Süle, Z., University of Pannonia
König,, University of Pannonia

The utilization of renewable resources poses new challenges to process design. The present paper shows a methodology based on process graphs (P-graph) for generating optimal and near-optimal supply networks where the set of activities and those reliabilities are given. A branch and bound algorithm was developed for designing supply chains under uncertainty. Such steps comprise superstructure generation, construction of the mathematical model, optimization, calculating the reliability constraints and the solution interpretation. The developed algorithm is illustrated with an optimization problem for a region that is to support a sustainable environment. This example involving the utilization of renewable feedstock, namely agricultural products and the reliability of the solutions are calculated where lower bound of the expected reliability is input parameter.