(158f) Kubota Cracking Tube Technologies | AIChE

(158f) Kubota Cracking Tube Technologies


Gyorffy, M. - Presenter, Kubota Materials Canada Corp.
Webb, M., Kubota Metal Corporation
Hendriks, E., Shell Global Solutions BV
Fraser, H., KubotaMaterials Canada
Sato, T., Kubota Corp.
Sato, T., Kubota Corp.
Matsubara, M., Kubota Corp.
Within the petrochemical market, there is increased demand of more capacity and
reliability of steam cracking furnaces. Kubota, a long time supplier of high-quality cracking
tubes, has been continuously developing alloys and technologies to improve radiant coil
performance. This is realised by different factors of process and tube interactions, such as
higher operating temperature, lower coke formation, improved heat transfer, or longer coil life.
Technologies have been developed which combine different perspectives of metallurgical
design, fluid mechanics and the chemical influence between the process and reactor to meet
the industry demands. This approach provides the end user flexibility to address risk and
specific technical bottlenecks of the coil’s performance. This paper presents a summary of
Kubota cracking tube technologies and alloys.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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