(66b) Viscosity Modeling of Visbroken Heavy Oils
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
6th International Conference on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance
Gas Hydrates, Wax and Asphaltenes I
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 8:22am to 8:44am
It has been shown that the viscosity of visbroken products cannot be predicted from the properties of the whole product oil [2] but there is potential to predict the viscosity from the changes in the distribution and properties of the oilâs pseudo-components. The proposed methodology is to characterize the oil into a set of pseudo-components that represent the property distributions within the fluid. Each pseudo-component is assigned the set of properties necessary to model the reactions and calculate viscosity. These properties, including molecular weight, density, and boiling point, are determined from a distillation assay, a SARA (saturate, aromatic, resins, asphaltene) assay, and established correlations. The viscosity is to be determined with the Expanded Fluid (EF) viscosity model [3]. The model inputs for the feed can be determined from the molecular weight, specific gravity, and boiling point. To complete the model, a method is required to predict the mass fraction and model parameters of the distillable and SARA pseudo-components of the visbroken products. The specific objective of this contribution is to develop correlations for the model parameters of the visbroken product.
A Western Canadian bitumen sample was visbroken at five different residence times and temperatures in an in-house laboratory pilot plant. In addition, a feedstock and two thermally cracked samples were provided by a Chinese industrial source. The pilot plant is a continuous flow coil visbreaking unit. The feed oil is pumped through a pre-heater at a temperature of 250°C and then to a reactor where it reaches the desired visbreaking temperature. The reactor is held at sufficient pressure to maintain a single liquid phase in the reaction zone. The product from the reactor enters an atmospheric flash separator. The separated gas is vented while the liquid product is collected for further analysis.
The feed and visbroken product were fractionated using distillation and SARA assays. The conversion was determined based on the change in the mass fraction of the 524+°C cut in the product versus the feed. The viscosity, density, and molecular weight of these fractions were measured. The dataset from the Western Canadian bitumen and its visbroken products was used to develop correlations for the Expanded Fluid parameters for the distillables and each SARA fraction based on reaction conditions. The viscosity of the visbroken products was then predicted from the product oil characterization and the correlated parameters. The methodology was then used to predict the viscosity of the visbroken Chinese oil samples.
[1] Joshi, J; Pandit, A; Kataria, K; Kulkarni, R; Sawarkar, A; Tandon, D; Ram, Y; Kumar, M. Petroleum residue upgradation via visbreaking: A review. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2008, 47, 8960-8988.
[2] Rueda-Velazquez, R; Gray, M. A viscosity-conversion model for thermal cracking of heavy oils. Fuel. 2017, 197, 82-90.
[3] Ramos-Pallares, F; Taylor, S; Satyro, M; Marriot, R; Yarranton, H. Prediction of viscosity for characterized oils and their fractions using the expanded fluid model. Energy. Fuels. 2016, 30, 7134-7157.