(81b) Safe Operation in Trickle Phase Reactors | AIChE

(81b) Safe Operation in Trickle Phase Reactors


Vogt, K. - Presenter, CRI Catalyst Company
In the Chemical/Refining industry many units operate with high activity nickel (Ni) catalysts. Safe operation of these units is the number one priority. In this presentation we will discuss how to safely operate in trickle phase hydrogenations reactors, share temperature excursion experiences and the lessons learned.

The full and selective hydrogenation units, like C4 butadiene, Pygas 1st stage and aromatics saturation reactors, operate in a range of temperatures and a proper review of the maximum application temperature compared to the onset temperature of methane generation - and potentially run away cracking - is key in determination of a safe operating window for the unit. As with any high activity catalyst defining the desired operating conditions will ensure safe and successful performance.

During the presentation commercial data of multiple units will be shared which will show safe operations and the risks of temperature runaways.

The presentation will highlight the importance of a tailored design, will propose solutions and cover the key hardware requirements for proper flow distribution in the trickle phase flow regime to ensure safe operation.