(31f) Controller Performance Monitoring & Control Improvement - the Step Before Advanced Control | AIChE

(31f) Controller Performance Monitoring & Control Improvement - the Step Before Advanced Control


Advanced Process Control projects that use Model Predictive or other sophisticated control algorithms depend on:

1) Optimized and working regulatory controls - "so the PID controller will do what the MPC controller tells it to do"

2) Choosing true interacting loops  - to make the most cost effective use of the expensive Advanced control algorithms

This paper explains how both of these goals can be met cost effectively by in performance monitoring software.  The first step is using plant-wide correlation analysis to find the control loops with high degree of interaction.  This to help narrow the field of manipulated and controlled variables for Advanced Control.  This presentation also explains how a performance monitor ensures the PID controllers, valves and sensors are healthy, delivering good base level control for the Advanced controllers to use.   The use and using the recommendations of performance monitoring ensures the Advanced controls have a solid foundation to optimize the plant.