(54b) Column Instrumentation Basics: Understanding Accuracy and Sources of Error Part 1 | AIChE

(54b) Column Instrumentation Basics: Understanding Accuracy and Sources of Error Part 1


Sands, R. - Presenter, DuPont Engineering Technology

Instrumentation is critical to understanding and troubleshooting all processes. Very few engineers specialize in this field, and most of us learn about instrumentation through experience, myth, and rumor. A good understanding of the various types of instrumentation used on columns can be a valuable tool for engineers evaluating column performance, starting up new towers, or troubleshooting any type of problem. This presentation will give an overview of common types of instruments used for temperature, pressure, level, and flow. A discussion of their accuracy, common installation problems, and troubleshooting examples are also included.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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