(61y) Learning to Select the Best Optimization Solution Strategy: An Algorithm Selection Approach
AIChE Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Interactive Session: Systems and Process Operations
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
This problem can be cast as an algorithm selection problem [6] in which given an optimization problem P and a set of algorithms {α1,...,αn} one must find the algorithm α* that optimizes some performance function m (such as the solution time). This is a black box optimization problem since the solution time for a given problem is not known a-priory. Algorithm selection methods have been applied to optimization problems, using Machine Learning (ML) to either develop a surrogate model of the performance function or approximate the solution of the algorithm selection problem itself [6-9]. These methods have used a handcrafted vectorial feature representation of the optimization problem (such as the number of variables and constraints, numerical conditioning indexes, etc.), which becomes the input to the machine learning model. This approach aggregates information about the problem and does not consider the exact structural and functional coupling among the variables and the constraints of a problem.
In this paper, we propose a new framework for selecting the best solution strategy for generic optimization problems while considering the detailed structural and functional interaction between the variables and the constraints of the problem. Specifically, we exploit geometric deep learning and pose the algorithm selection problem as a graph classification task. We represent an optimization problem as a graph [10,11], where the nodes represent variables and constraints, and the edges capture the presence of a variable in a constraint. This representation captures the structural coupling among the variables and the constraints through the adjacency matrix A. We extend this representation by incorporating a set of features for every node and edge in the graph, which capture key information about the variables and constraints, such as variable domain and convexity. Concatenation of all the features forms a feature matrix F, which captures the functional coupling among the variables and the constraints. Given this representation, we use graph neural networks [12] to develop a graph classifier C, where the inputs are the feature and adjacency matrices (A, F) and the output is a vector p, where pi is the probability that algorithm αi solves the problem in the minimum CPU time. Finally, we show how the classifiers obtained by the proposed approach can be integrated with current state-of-the-art optimization technology to enable full automation of the proposed approach.
For illustration, we use the proposed framework to learn a classifier that predicts the best solution strategy for convex MINLP problems. We use benchmark MINLPs for learning a graph classifier, which determines if a convex MINLP should be solved by the branch and bound or the outer approximation algorithm as implemented in BONMIN 1.8.8 [13]. The results show that the classifier has 90% accuracy on the testing set.
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