(558al) Equilibrium Solubility, Modeling and Enthalpy of CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Blend of Methyldiethanolamine and Arginine at Low Pressure | AIChE

(558al) Equilibrium Solubility, Modeling and Enthalpy of CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Blend of Methyldiethanolamine and Arginine at Low Pressure


Benamor, A. - Presenter, Qatar University
Talkhan, A. G., Qatar University
Nasser, M., Qatar University
El-Naas, M., Qatar University
El-Marsafy, S., Cairo University
El-Tayeb, S., Cairo University
In this work, the effect of arginine (ARG) addition on the solubility of CO2 in an aqueous blend solution of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) is presented. The study was carried out at different mixing ratios of MDEA and ARG at a total solution concentration of two moles. The blend solvents were subject to different flows of CO2/N2 mixtures to determine the effect of varying CO2 partial pressure. The temperature was varied from 293 to 323 K. The results showed that the solubility of CO2 remarkably improves with ARG concentration at CO2 partial pressure below 20 kPa and slightly decrease after that. The obtained data were modeled using a semi-empirical (SE) vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) model and the heat of CO2 absorption (ΔHabs) was estimated using the same semi-empirical model.