(52d) Solving Robust Vehicle Routing Via a Branch-Price-and-Cut Approach
AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Supply Chain Design and Logistics
Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 4:27pm to 4:46pm
Recently, VRP under demand uncertainty [5][6] has attracted considerable attention. It is motivated by the fact that customer demands are often not readily available at the time the distributor needs to commit to some routing plan. In this work, we combine Robust Optimization (RO) [7] and BP&C in order to develop an effective approach for robust VRP under demand uncertainty. When extending BP&C for a robust VRP, the optimal routing design has to be robust feasible. There are two different perspectives for how to achieve this. The first and most intuitive way is to generate deterministically feasible routes via solving a standard SPPRC and enforce robust feasibility via robust RCI [6]. This approach is very generic and can be ideally applied under any uncertainty set selection. Another approach is to directly generate robust feasible columns. This necessitates an efficient algorithm to exactly solve a robust SPPRC, which can be a tough proposition, since this problem is in general strongly NP-hard [8]. Recently, Pessoa et al. [9] showed that for some special structure uncertainty sets (e.g., Î uncertainty set [10]), robust columns can be generated via solving a sequence of polynomially many deterministic SPPRC.
In this work, we first evaluate the two approaches and compare their performances using several well-known uncertainty sets, including the Î set and budget set [6] among others. The comparison studies are mainly focused on the computational performance and theoretical limitations to different uncertainty sets. In addition, we consider combining the two techniques together and generating robust feasible columns in the CG stage as well as separating robust cuts in the cut generation stage to further tighten the linear relaxation.
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[8] Alves Pessoa, A., Di Puglia Pugliese, L., Guerriero, F. and Poss, M., 2015. Robust constrained shortest path problems under budgeted uncertainty. Networks, 66(2), pp.98-111.
[9] Pessoa, A., Poss, M., Sadykov, R. and Vanderbeck, F., 2018, June. Solving the robust CVRP under demand uncertainty. In ODYSSEUS 2018-7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics.
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