(235a) Enabling a Solid-State Carbon Dioxide Distribution Network | AIChE

(235a) Enabling a Solid-State Carbon Dioxide Distribution Network


Blinn, K. - Presenter, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Riman, R. E. - Presenter, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Kopp, D., Rutgers University
Wang, J., RRTC Inc.
Efforts like the Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage R&D program implemented by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy are focused on developing technologies to capture, separate, and store CO2 so that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced without adversely decreasing the U.S. energy supply and subsequently hindering economic growth.

In this presentation, a joint effort between RRTC Inc. and Rutgers University towards demonstrating the feasibility of a solid-state CO2 capture, storage, distribution, and utilization (ss-CCSDU) paradigm is described. This "carbon network" is enabled by two novel process technologies. The first technology is known as low-temperature solidification (LTS), which can be used to capture CO2 to form solid carbonates in an energy-efficient manner. The second technology that is key to the proposed paradigm is a hydrothermal release process that is normally used to synthesize submicron multicomponent oxide powders but can also be used as a low-energy route for separating CO2 from solid carbonates in a controlled manner.

Together, the two technologies provide cyclability for capture and release of CO2, allowing the transport of CO2 in solid form from the site of its emission for utilization elsewhere. Calculations show that logistical management of CO2 in this manner can be less costly and allows much more throughput than traditional storage forms like compressed gas and liquid CO2. Such benefits are of great interest to those who utilize CO2 in industrial processes.