(61f) Model-Predictive Safety System for Predictive Detection of Operation Hazards: Off-Line Calculation of Most Aggressive Control Actions and Worst-Case Uncertainties
AIChE Annual Meeting
2017 Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Division Plenary: CAST (Invited Talks)
Monday, October 30, 2017 - 10:05am to 10:30am
The implementation of an MPS system requires off-line calculations of: (a) the most aggressive control action that minimizes each operability-constraint index when uncertain model parameters take their nominal values, and (b) the most aggressive control action that minimizes each operability-constraint index when uncertain model parameters take their worst-case values. In this paper, after reviewing the MPS system design method, we present novel optimization methods that can perform the off-line calculations systematically. The performance and ease-of-use of the methods will be shown using chemical process examples.
[1] Mohseni Ahooyi, T., J.E. Arbogast, W.D. Seider, U.G. Oktem, and M. Soroush, "Model-Predictive Safety System for Proactive Detection of Operation Hazards," AIChE J., 62, 2024-2042 (2016).