Advances in Algae Based Biorefineries - Algae Biomass Cultivation, Harvesting and Characterization | AIChE

Advances in Algae Based Biorefineries - Algae Biomass Cultivation, Harvesting and Characterization


Ramaswamy, S., University of Minnesota


Hu, B., University of Minnesota

This session focuses on (1) Novel cultivation methods necessary to grow algae on non-arable land, non-potable water, waste nutrient streams, waste carbon dioxide etc.; and other non-conventional Harvesting and dewatering technologies; (2) Algae strain development, with high growth rate and product content making algae biomass attractive for bio-refineries; (3) Characterization of algae biomass in order to develop cultivation management strategies, biorefinery processes, value-added byproducts, and downstream processes.



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