(668f) Modeling and Advanced Control for Sustainable Process Systems | AIChE

(668f) Modeling and Advanced Control for Sustainable Process Systems


Lima, F. V. - Presenter, West Virginia University
Li, S. - Presenter, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mirlekar, G. V. - Presenter, West Virginia University
Sridhar, L. - Presenter, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus
Ruiz-Mercado, G. - Presenter, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This presentation will introduce a novel process systems engineering framework that integrates process control with sustainability assessment tools for the simultaneous evaluation and optimization of sustainable process operation online. The implemented control strategy consists of a novel biologically-inspired multi-agent-based method derived for chemical processes. The sustainability and performance assessment of process operating points is carried out by employing the GREENSCOPE assessment tool that provides scores for selected indicators in the economic, efficiency, environmental and energy areas [1-3]. The obtained indicator results supply information on whether the implementation of the controller is moving the process towards a more sustainable operation. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is illustrated through a case study of a fermentation process for bioethanol production whose dynamics are characterized by steady-state multiplicity and oscillatory behavior [4].


[1] Ruiz-Mercado G.J., Smith R.L., Gonzalez M.A. Sustainability Indicators for Chemical Processes: I. Taxonomy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012; 51(5): 2309-28.

[2] Ruiz-Mercado G.J., Smith R.L., Gonzalez M.A. Sustainability Indicators for Chemical Processes: II. Data Needs. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012; 51(5): 2329-53.

[3] Ruiz-Mercado G.J., Smith R.L., Gonzalez M.A. GREENSCOPE.xlsm User’s Guide. Excel Version 1.1, 2013.

[4] Sridhar L.N. Elimination of Oscillations in Fermentation Processes. AIChE Journal. 2011; 57(9): 2397-2405.