(583ea) CO2 Photoreduction With H2O Vapor By Porous MgO/TiO2 Microspheres: Temperature-Dependent Activity and Stability | AIChE

(583ea) CO2 Photoreduction With H2O Vapor By Porous MgO/TiO2 Microspheres: Temperature-Dependent Activity and Stability


Li, Y. - Presenter, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Liu, L., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Zhao, C., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Zhao, H., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Pitts, D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A novel MgO-patched TiO2 microsphere material was fabricated by a simple spray pyrolysis method, and was applied as a photocatalyst for CO2 photoreduction with H2O vapor at moderately elevated temperatures. The prepared catalysts were porous spheres with an average diameter in the submicrometer range. The MgO/TiO2 catalyst demonstrated 10 times higher activity toward CO production from CO2 photoreduction, when the reaction temperature increased from 50 to 150 °C. The catalytic performance of hybrid MgO/TiO2 was much more stable than TiO2, particularly at a higher temperature, likely due to easier desorption of reaction intermediates and the enhanced CO2 adsorption by MgO. In situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was also applied to identify the reaction intermediates and to investigate the reactant adsorption/desorption dynamics at different temperatures.


(1) Liu, L.J., Zhao, C.Y., Zhao, H.L., Pitts, D., Li, Y. Porous Microspheres of MgO-Patched TiO2 for CO2 Photoreduction with H2O Vapor: Temperature-Dependent Activity and Stability. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 3664-3666.


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