(388ac) Photocatalytic Activity of the Liquid Flame Spray Generated Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Coating On a Lacquered Metal Surface | AIChE

(388ac) Photocatalytic Activity of the Liquid Flame Spray Generated Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Coating On a Lacquered Metal Surface


Aromaa, M., Tampere University of Technology
Lahtonen, K., Tampere University of Technology
Kangasniemi, O., Tampere University of Technology
Valden, M., Tampere University of Technology
Mäkelä, J. M., Tampere University of Technology

In order to achieve new properties, like photocatalytic activity or self-cleaning, for lacquered surfaces, nanosized liquid flame spray [1] generated nanoparticles may be deposited on such surfaces. Here we demonstrate the functionality of lacquered surfaces with titanium dioxide nanocoating. The morphology of the surfaces is similar to lotus surface having both micro- and nanostructure. The microstructure is due to the roughness of the lacquered surface and titanium dioxide particles form the nano-sized morphology. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles work as photocatalyst in a process where organic material degrades when the surface is exposed to UV-radiation. We used a common indicator methylene blue to test the coatings. The purpose was to degrade methylene blue in water solution where lacquered sample coated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles was placed. The tests showed that methylene blue degraded in solution which was exposed to UV-radiation and when there were nanoparticles deposited on to the sample surface. Degradation did not happen without UV-light or nanoparticles. The chemical composition and uniformity of selected surfaces with flame spray generated coatings were investigated utilizing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In addition, the morphology of the coating was studied using scanning electron microscopy [2].

[1] J. Tikkanen, M. Eerola, V. Pitkänen, M. Rajala, Patent No. FI98832, 16.3., 1997.

[2] M. Luhtalampi, M. Aromaa, K. Lahtonen, O. Kangasniemi, J. Haapanen, M. Valden, J.M. Mäkelä. Superhydrophobic properties of the liquid flame spray generated titanium dioxide nanoparticle coating on a lacquered metal surface. Thin Solid Films, submitted 2012.

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