(191q) Ice - Clathrate Hydrate - Gas Phase Equilibria for Argon + Water and Carbon Dioxide + Water Systems | AIChE

(191q) Ice - Clathrate Hydrate - Gas Phase Equilibria for Argon + Water and Carbon Dioxide + Water Systems


Mohammadi, A. H. - Presenter, MINES ParisTech
Richon, D. - Presenter, MINES ParisTech, CEP/TEP - Centre Énergétique et Procédés

In this communication, we report ice - clathrate hydrate - gas equilibrium data (dissociation data) for the argon + water and carbon dioxide + water systems in the temperature ranges of (264.3-271.2) and (260.2-270.7) K, respectively. The equilibrium data for carbon dioxide clathrate hydrates are compared with the equilibrium data reported in the literature to demonstrate the reliability of the isothermal pressure-search method used in our work. The equilibrium data generated for argon clathrate hydrates are compared with few sets of experimental data reported in the literature. A comparison is finally made on the equilibrium conditions of argon, air, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide clathrate hydrates.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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