Advances In Proteomic Analysis & Microfluidic Technologies | AIChE

Advances In Proteomic Analysis & Microfluidic Technologies


Sharma, A., Millipore


Ugaz, V. M., Texas A&M University

Systematic studies of gene expression patterns play a vital role in understanding the complex interactions associated with the global response of cells, tissues, and organisms to stimuli or mutations. While recent developments have allowed these patterns to be investigated at an unprecedented level of detail, further advances are needed in order to fully illuminate the interplay among the many factors governing cellular response. Microfluidic technology holds the promise of enabling novel, more efficient, and higher throughput proteomic and genomic analyses in a low-power portable format. As products based on microfluidics are introduced commercially, the promise is becoming a reality. This session seeks papers on novel methods for proteomic analysis including sample preparation, electrokinetic approaches in 1D and 2D, and microfluidic interfaces with downstream analytical instrumentation (e.g. electrospray mass spectrometry).



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