(142f) Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence Modulation In Response to Hydrogel Swelling | AIChE

(142f) Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence Modulation In Response to Hydrogel Swelling


Barone, P. W. - Presenter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ortiz, R. - Presenter, Technical University of Munich
Strano, M. S. - Presenter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) fluoresce is still a new and exciting area of research. Modulation of SWNT fluorescence has previously been demonstrated by adsorption of electron withdrawing molecules[1,2], DNA rearrangement due to cation adsorption[3] and via DNA hybridization on the SWNT surface[4]; however, new methods to modulate SWNT fluorescence will allow SWNT use in new applications. We demonstrate that SWNT immobilized in a poly(vinyl) alcohol hydrogel show shifts in fluorescence emission maxima during hydrogel swelling / deswelling. The mechanism of SWNT fluorescence modulation and potential applications of SWNT based hydrogels will be discussed.

1. Barone, P.W.; et al., Nature Materials (2005), 4, 86-92.

2. Satishkumar, B.C.; et al. Nature Nanotechnology (2007), 2, 560-564.

3. Heller, D.A.; et al. Science (2006), 311, 508-511.

4. Jeng, E.S.; et al. Nano Letters (2006), 6, 371-375.