(627e) A Novel Hydrodynamic Film Drainage between an Emulsion Drop and a Surface to Predict Key Surface Wetting Rates
AIChE Annual Meeting
2022 Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Emulsions and Foams
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 1:30pm to 1:45pm
In this work, a novel hydrodynamic scaling theory is derived to quantitatively describe the descent dynamics of an emulsion drop settling towards a rigid substrate surface, under low Reynolds and Bond number conditions. We postulate the existence of five key drainage regimes (figure 1(b)) that the drop encounters, prior to wetting the surface. Glycerolâsilicone oil emulsion systems approaching differently treated mica surfaces (pristine, native SU8 coated, plasma treated SU8) were studied in our experiments. Film drainage dynamics of the glycerol drop are imaged using Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM), under two different wavelengths (λBlue=485 nm, λGreen=549 nm). Post-processing of the captured image frames was performed using ImageJ and MATLAB, and dual wavelength theory, with an enhanced back-ray tracing improvement algorithm (accounting for angular averaging), is employed to reconstruct spatiotemporal height profiles and obtain the minimum heights. Fitted dimensionless equations corresponding to each regime, within a 95% confidence interval, are obtained and all associated pre-factors are evaluated out. There are five regimes that a settling drop of an undeformed drop radius Rd encounters, prior to wetting a rigid surface. Regime A corresponds to an initially spherical drop settling in the far-field; regime B is encountered when the drop continues to remain spherical, but the film pressure Pf steadily approaches the Laplace pressure γ/Rd. When the film pressure begins to scale as the Laplace pressure i.e., Pfâ¼Î³/Rd, the drop flattens out, entering the flat film regime C. In the flat film configuration, the pressure is higher at the centre of the film and decreases to the ambient pressure at the edge. This results in the film slightly deforming into a weakly dimpled configuration, i.e., regime D. Eventually, the thin film experiences even stronger dimpling and enters the final regime E. Two of these regimes (B and D) are novel; and existence of the weak dimpling regime D also serves to formally distinguish between the flat film regime C and the strong dimpling regime E, which have been traditionally mistaken to be one, as an identical scaling of hminâ¼t-1/2 arises in both. Finally, a composite wetting equation is obtained to describe the drainage time required, for these systems. With the exception of when the drop lies in the extreme far field (hminâ¼e-t), minimum film heights for each regimes scale as inverse negative fractional powers of the drainage time (hminâ¼t-1, hminâ¼t-1/2, hminâ¼t-2/3 and hminâ¼t-1/2). Although this theory does not incorporate non-hydrodynamic interactions and considers rather small drops (Rdâ¼O (few hundred μms)) undergoing purely axisymmetric drainage, the match with experiments is found to be excellent. The scaling theory will be followed by detailed hydrodynamic theory based on the boundary integral method. Direct application of such a composite wetting theory is to apriori predict the shelf-lives of several commercially/industrially relevant emulsions, thereby shifting the design procedure towards more quantitative, reproducible pathways.
[1] G. Yiantsios and R.H. Davis, J. Fluid Mech. 217, 547â573 (1990).