(481g) Kinetic Description of Site Ensembles on Catalytic Surfaces | AIChE

(481g) Kinetic Description of Site Ensembles on Catalytic Surfaces


Razdan, N. - Presenter, University of Minnesota
Bhan, A., University of Minnesota
We demonstrate that the ubiquitously-used Langmuir-Hinshelwood formalism is an incomplete kinetic description and is inappropriate even for catalytic reactions as simple as A + ½B2→ AB. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic description is predicated on the Hinshelwood assumption – that all adsorbates are randomly-distributed on the surface. The utility of this approximation is in reducing coverages of multi-site ensembles (e.g. two-site A*–B*) to a product of coverages of constituent single-site ensembles (e.g. one-site A* and B*). For example, the rate of surface reaction between neighboring A* and B* species is rigorously r = krθA*– B* where θA*–B* is the fraction of pairs of sites which contain one A* and one B* species. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood formalism simplifies the rate to r = krθA*θB* by application of the Hinshelwood approximation – mathematically, that the mean-field metric, μij = θij(θiθj)-1, is unity for all site pairs ij, giving θA*–B* = θA*θB*.

The Hinshelwood approximation, however, crucially neglects the propensity of multi-site elementary steps (e.g. two-site A*–B* → *–* + AB) to engender (i) aggregation (μij >> 1) of slowly-consumed ensembles and (ii) partitioning (μij << 1) of rapidly-consumed ensembles. Accurate description of partitioning and clustering phenomena requires derivation of higher-order, ensemble-specific rate terms which (i) quantify the unique kinetic influence each ensemble exerts on each elementary step and (ii) explicate the effect of partitioning/clustering to engender profound changes in rates, selectivities, and identities of rate-determining steps unidentifiable in the Langmuir-Hinshelwood formalism – as we demonstrate in the context of (i) the A + ½B2 → AB reaction and (ii) the industrially-relevant ammonia synthesis reaction for which we predict kinetically-relevant clustering of N*–N* pairs (μN*–N* ~ 105) resultant from the well-known difficulty of activating N≡N triple bonds in rate-determining N2adsorption.