Meet Sunny Lunka – Featured YP for January 2016

Where are you from?

Denver, CO

What company/institution do you work for?

KBI Biopharma

Where did you complete your chemical engineering education?

Colorado State University

How many years have you been a member of AIChE?


Describe a recent challenge you managed, notable achievement, or obstacle you overcame at your job or in your work as an AIChE member.

As president of my undergraduate chapter, I overcame the challenge of raising enough money to get AIChE officers to the Annual Student Conference. Historically, only the chapter president and ChemE Car members were funded by the department. As a result of our fundraising efforts, my fellow officers and I were able to attend the conference my senior year. I believe the officer teams in the future will continue to be motivated to get students to the conference. This fall was my first time at the conference as a YPC member and it was great to see all of the CSU AIChE officers and ChemE Car members in attendance!


What do you do to meet people in your field?

My favorite way to meet people in my field is by attending AIChE conferences. In addition, I attend local AIChE and Tau Beta Pi events. Outside of professional networking events, I have met people in my field in everyday situations. You never know who will sit down next to you on a plane!

Fill in the blanks: there are chemical engineers who _____ and who ______. 

...those who value the journey and those who value the results.

If you weren’t a ChE, what would you most want to be?

I would want to open a tea room or some other type of small business... that is if being a WWE Diva didn't work out!

What don’t most people know about you?

I love terrible reality TV shows.

How many ChEs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Just one I would hope!

Do you have any advice for current or future young professionals reading ChEnected?

Prioritize professional and personal development in addition to technical expertise. Being a well-rounded team member will set you apart.

You can contact Sunny through her LinkedIn profile.