Yan Zhang | AIChE

Yan Zhang

Yan Zhang was born in China in 1986. She received her Diploma in Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University, China in 2008. After that, she continues her study as a graduate student in department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, US. Now she is at the fourth year of her PhD program. Yan Zhang’s research project is focusing on risk assessment for carbon dioxide geological squestration. Sequestered CO2 underground plume is simulated with an analytical model to predict the potential leakage from the failure of the sequestration system integrity. Risk analysis with Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is then performed to quantify the impact of uncertainties involved in the sequestration system, employing a computational efficient algorithm to determine the sample size for MC simulation. Currently, she is working on developing a surrogate model using polynomial chaos expansion for the numerical simulation of CO2 underground flow.